Pokemon Flashback

John and Bob looked at the grass in the field. The tall grass shook. John held his pokeball tight, preparing to throw it. Out of the grass stepped another boy. "Hey, I thought you were a pokemon!" shouted John. "Hi, John. Hi, Bob," said the boy. "Did you choose your pokemon yet," asked the boy. "Yup," said Bob. "You're so lucky, you can choose the best pokemon from your father. My pokemon choices weren't so great. Actually, I only had one choice, a rattata," said the boy. "Geez, Charlie, that's too bad. Too bad, your father isn't a renowned pokemon specialist, like ours," said John. "Our father only collects special pokemon," said Bob. "No need to be insulting," said Charlie.

Charlie looked at his watch. "We have to go now, we don't want to be left behind." John, Bob, and Charlie started walking toward the exit of Viridian City. "Okay, let's see if you can catch more pokemon than I can," said John to Charlie. "I bet I can catch more," replied Charlie.

After two months John had caught 24 different kinds of pokemon. Charlie caught 14, and Bob caught 15. Both Rattata and Charmander were at level 19. Vulpix was on level 18. John was extremely pleased. That is until Charlie's rattata evolved into a raticate. John reached into his backpack and grabbed a pokeball. Charmander popped out. "Charmander, it is now time to evolve," said John. Charmander shook his head. I can't evolve and I don't want to, thought Charmander. John looked irritated.

In response John used Charmander to fight in all his pokemon battles. After ten battles John had enough. "Charmander, I love you and everything, but I simply can't carry you around with me anymore. I can only carry six at a time and my other pokemon are stronger than you are," he said. "I'm sorry," said John as he called back Charmander. He took out his pokedex. "I'm putting you away," he said while pushing a few buttons on his pokedex. Charmander's eyes watered up as he returned to his pokeball. Something went wrong.

The pokeball could not be transported back to John's dad. There was an error message on the screen. It said, Hey John, you can't send your starting pokemon back to me. John turned red and he looked very angry. "What! What use is this dumb pokemon who can't even evolve!" John tossed the pokeball with Charmander in the bushes. Charmander popped out. John started walking. "Let's go," he said to Charlie and Bob. "You, Charmander stay here," said John. Charmander knew that John wasn't coming back.

Present Time

The rain poured outside. Truf searched the whole mansion frantically. Charmander was nowhere to be found. "I think they must have left already, Truf," said Dell. "We have to go after them," said Truf. "Pikachu, come back," said Truf. Pikachu shook his head. "This is no time for a temper tantrum!" yelled Truf. Pikachu shocked him. "Thanks Pikachu I needed that," said Truf. "Do you want to help, Pikachu?" asked Truf. Pikachu shook his head. "Pika pika, (just kidding, I guess I'll help)" said Pikachu. "Okay, let's go," said Truf as he headed outside. The wind blew and thunder sounded. Truf ran ahead and looked for signs of tire tracks. "Don't worry, Charmander, I'll save you," said Truf.