Challenge with Cham

The sky was dark and clouded. "The weather man on the radio predicted that it would rain in the evening," said Dell. Truf and Dell walked down the road. Charmander and Pikachu were beside them. "When are you going to get to Cham," asked Truf. "I'm very tired and I'll sure my pokemon are tired." "Pika, pii!" complained Pikachu in agreement. "It's right there," said Dell. They looked ahead and saw a building. "Hey, you there!" yelled someone from behind them. Truf turned around and standing there were Ardus and Cerrie.

"What have you been," asked Truf. "We've been learning more about this Cham character," replied Cerrie. "We've developed a strategy to defeat him," said Ardus. "But first we have to go to the Pokemart to buy a few things," said Ardus while starting towards the Pokemart. Cerrie followed him. "We'll come with you," said Dell. "No, you and Truf stay here," said Cerrie. Cerrie walked off. Ardus followed her.

Truf started towards the building. "Where are you going," asked Dell. "I'm going to challenge Cham," replied Truf. "Don't you want to wait until Ardus and Cerrie return," asked Dell. Truf looked ahead at the building. "I'm going to prove that I can defeat Cham myself," said Truf. Dell looked surprised. "Are you sure," asked Dell. "Yes, I'm sure, are you coming with me or staying here," asked Truf. "I guess I'll come and help you," replied Dell. Dell walked up to the building and rung the doorbell. Truf walked in. Dell followed him.

Charmander and Pikachu stood in front of a statue. They looked up at it. The statue reached about 150 feet to the ceiling. "Char, chaar, mander (What is this)?" "Piikka pika (I don't know but I want out of here.) A man was sitting in a chair, and his back was turned at them. The chair turned around a dark man sat there. "I suppose one of you want to challenge me," he said. "Yes," replied Truf. "How many pokemon would you like to use," asked the man. "Let's use two," replied Truf. The man smiled.

"You call out your pokemon first," said the man. "I call you Charmander," said Truf. The man groaned as Charmander came out of his pokeball, but then smiled as he saw Charmander. He threw his pokeball. "Okay, go Victreebel," said the man while reaching for another pokeball. He threw the other pokeball. "And go Vaporeon," said the man. Truf seemed shocked. "Over here we have different rules," said the man. "We will fight with all pokemon out," he said. Truf didn't know what to do but call out his other pokemon. "Go Pikachu," said Truf. Pikachu came out of his pokeball.

Truf planned it all perfectly. Maybe too perfectly. "Okay, Pikachu electrify that Vaporeon and Charmander you flame that Victreebel," said Truf. "Quick, Victreebel Vine Whip!" said the man. Before Charmander could fire Victreebel grabbed him and held his mouth shut. Pikachu got confused. Pikachu decided to shock Victreebel instead. Victreebel took the shock well but Charmander got electrified. "Vaporeon, Water Gun," said the man. Vaporeon fired water at Charmander. "Pikachu shock Vaporeon," said Truf. "Vaporeon, dodge and Victreebel, trap," ordered the man. Vaporeon avoided the electric shock. Victreebell used his vines and threw Charmander. "Charmander!" screamed Truf. Truf looked to see where Charmander had landed. He couldn't find him.

Read the second part of Challenge with Cham