Journey to Truf

Charmander reluctantly stepped into the boat. "We will get to Truf before you know it Charmander. Don't worry Charmander, the boats rarely overturn here in such calm weather," said Reve. "Chaarrrr!," yelled Charmander stepping back onto the docks.

Meanwhile, Truf, Pikachu, Ardus, and Cerrie looked at the map. "Pika pi (I can't wait till we get to Cerulean City)." "I wonder if Charmander is okay," thought Cerrie. Ardus led the way. Truf smiled. "Pretty soon, Charmander will be back, and I'll be back on my journey to become a Pokemon Master."

Farfetch'd and Reve stepped back on the dock. Reve sighed. "Charmander, come back," yelled Reve. Reve and Farfetch'd followed Charmander into the woods. "All right Charmander, you win. We won't go back to the water if you don't want to." Charmander walked back to Reve. "Let's eat lunch." After eating lunch, Charmander and Farfetch'd played hide and seek. Reve snapped a picture.

Farfetch'd thought and came up with a plan. He plucked one of his feathers and walked over to Charmander. He told Charmander: with this feather you will not have to fear the water. It's a special feather that protects fire pokemon from water. Charmander nodded and walked back to the docks. He stepped into the boat without hesitation. "Char char mander (I can't wait till we get back to Truf)," said Charmander. Reve looked sadly at Charmander and Farfetch'd. I'm going to miss you, she thought. On their way, Reve took out her camera and took another picture.

In a few hours Reve, Farfetch'd and Charmander reached Bill's Sea Cottage. Charmander saw Truf in the distance. "Charmander!," yelled Truf. Truf raced to the seashore. Ardus and Cerrie followed. The boat reached Truf and Charmander ran and gave Truf a hug. Pikachu gave Charmander a welcome home shock. Charmander gave Pikachu a hug.