Pokemon Jukebox
Great news! We're moving to www.pokexpress.com. There will be new features and a whole new layout! I've been working on it for a long time. That's the reason why there weren't many updates to this site lately. The new pokemon episode was one of the earlier episodes we missed. I think it was the Battle in the Festival. Correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, I felt sorry for Jessie in the end. What did you think of the jukebox in the end? Vote in the polls.

The final part of The Unlucky Pokemon is up. Finally! The first part of pokestory 14, The Old Man is here for reading also. The Pokemon Link Exchange is down. The service I used to create forms shut the forms down. Sigh, I'll be fixing it soon.

Read the News!

Nedstat Counter


The Pokémon Banner Exchange

The Pokémon Banner Exchange